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- Fear of Something Terrible will Happen Hypnosis Meditation
Fear of Something Terrible will Happen Hypnosis Meditation
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Listen to this Meditation / Guided Meditation / Relaxation Meditation / Hypnosis Download / Mp3 Recording at least once a day, the more you listen the more powerful it becomes, there is no such thing as listening to much.
Fear of something terrible happening can be a debilitating emotion. It can cause us to feel anxious and overwhelmed, and can prevent us from living our lives to the fullest.
Clive Westwood is one of Australia's respected, leading Hypnotherapy Specialists, focusing on one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions, group Meditation hypnosis, and downloadable hypnotherapy mp3 sessions. Clive has studied under the greatest hypnotherapists in the world, and has made appearances on Today Tonight, 2GB Radio, 9 News and ABC Morning Radio.
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear. It can be caused by a bad experience or even by watching too many scary movies. If you are someone who gets scared easily, you may have trouble sleeping at night because of this fear.
Fear of something terrible will happen hypnosis meditation can help you overcome this fear. The first thing that you need to do when trying to overcome this fear is to understand what it is that causes your fear. You need to know why you are afraid and what makes it worse for you. Once you figure out what makes your fear worse, then it will be easier for you to find ways to deal with it.
Fear is often caused by an irrational feeling that something bad will happen if we don't do something right now! For example, if we see someone falling over on the street we might feel afraid because they might get hurt if they don't get up soon enough! In reality there's nothing wrong with letting them rest and recover from their fall before trying to help them stand up again but somehow our mind thinks differently about these types of situations which leads us into thinking that something terrible will
Hey there, it's [name] from [company name].
I'm going to show you how to get rid of the fear of something terrible happening using hypnosis!
The first thing we're going to do is sit down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. If you'd like, you can play some relaxing music while you listen. When you're ready let me know and we'll begin.
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear that many people experience. This fear can be paralyzing and keep us from living our lives to the fullest.
The good news is, you can use hypnosis to overcome your fear of something terrible happening in your life.
In this video, I'll show you how to do that by using a simple guided meditation.
To get started, just sit comfortably and relax with your eyes closed. Imagine yourself in a safe place where nothing bad will happen to you or anyone else around you. Now imagine that the doorbell rings and when you open the door, there's an old friend who has come to visit you! Feel the joy that comes from seeing that person again after so long…
Fear of something terrible will happen is one of the most common fears out there. It can be triggered by anything: a person, an event, a situation, or even a thought.
The good news is that you can use hypnosis to help you overcome your fear of something terrible will happen. The first step is to understand what’s causing your fear and then work on changing it.
First of all, let’s talk about what causes this kind of fear. The most common cause is when something bad has already happened in the past and we are afraid it will happen again.
For example: You were walking home from school one day when someone grabbed your backpack and ran off with it (or maybe they stole something from inside). This made you feel scared so now anytime you go anywhere alone or even close to where this happened, you become anxious and afraid because you think that same thing could happen again.
Another common reason for this type of fear is when someone says something negative about us or does something harmful toward us like bullying us at school or online bullying through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram etc…This makes us feel scared because now we’re afraid people will continue
This is a guided meditation that will help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening to you.
It is important to do this meditation when you are in a relaxed state, so try it before bedtime or on a weekend morning.
Start by closing your eyes, and taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this three times before letting go of all the stress and tension in your body with another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Now imagine yourself walking down a long hallway with no end in sight. The walls around you are covered with beautiful paintings, but they're not just any paintings: they're all of yourself! They're all different representations of you at different stages of life—from when you were 5 years old right up until today—and there's not one painting where someone has done anything mean or bad to you.
As you look at these paintings, notice how good it feels to be surrounded by them all; notice how much love there is for yourself in these pictures; notice how amazing it feels knowing that no one has ever hurt you before or would ever want to hurt anyone like this.
This is a hypnosis meditation to help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening. You may be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet, or you may be afraid of something that has already happened, but you are still feeling the effects.
In this meditation, we're going to help you find a way to move past that fear and make peace with it so that it no longer holds you back. We'll be doing some deep breathing, some visualization, and some affirmations as well.
The more you listen to this audio, the more effective it will be!
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear among people. It may be due to the fact that we are human and we are afraid of what could potentially hurt us.
What if I do this and something bad happens? What if that person doesn't like me? What if they think I'm weird? These are just some examples of things that can potentially make us feel fear.
In this video, we'll be learning how to overcome your fear of something terrible will happen using hypnosis. We'll be doing it by focusing on the positive aspects of life and letting go of any negative thoughts you might have about yourself or others.
You'll also learn how to stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet, which is called anticipatory anxiety or worry. This type of anxiety is usually caused by past experiences or negative thoughts about what might happen in the future.
Finally, we'll also discuss how to manage your stress levels by incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine such as exercise, meditation, eating well and getting enough sleep at night time so that when faced with stressful situations later on down the road there won't be any issues with coping mechanisms due to lack thereof (i
Hi, my name is [name] and I'm a hypnotherapist. We're going to do this session together. You're going to relax your body and mind, and then we'll work on helping you get rid of your fears. Let's get started!
Let's start with some breathing exercises. Close your eyes and take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine that the breath is going down into the bottom of your feet and up into the top of your head, making an invisible pathway through your body. Now let's visualize this pathway getting wider and wider with each breath you take until it feels like it's all around you, surrounding every part of you with positive energy.
Now that we've opened up this pathway, let's use it to help move away any negative energy or thoughts that are inside you right now—like fear or anxiety over something terrible happening in the future—that might be causing you pain or discomfort in any way right now. Just imagine those thoughts floating away from inside of you until they disappear completely; then repeat this process for any other thoughts or feelings that don't feel good inside your mind or body either: worry about something happening tomorrow night; fear about losing someone special in
The fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear, which can be difficult to overcome. This meditation will help you to relax and let go of your fear so that you can enjoy life without worrying about something terrible happening.
Sit down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Imagine yourself relaxing into a comfortable chair, with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting at your sides. Let go of any tension in your body and imagine yourself sinking deeper into the chair with each breath you take.
Now imagine that you are standing outside in front of the house where you grew up as a child. You can see it clearly in front of you, as if it was real life – but when you look at it closely, it turns out that there is no house there at all! Instead, there is just empty space where it used to be standing before – no walls or roof or windows or doors; just empty space where once stood a beautiful house full of memories from childhood.
And now imagine that someone tells you that there was never any danger at all – nothing bad could ever happen here because there was never
Hi there! I'm [name], and today I'm going to be talking about how to use hypnosis to help you overcome a fear of something terrible happening. This is a very common fear, but it can be hard to overcome because it's so ingrained in your mind and body.
The first thing you need to do is get some privacy and make sure that no one will disturb you for the next half hour or so. Next, sit down with your eyes closed and breathe deeply for two minutes. You should feel yourself relaxing as you do this. Once you've finished breathing deeply, you're ready to begin the actual meditation.
Now imagine that there is a door in front of you. Open this door and step inside—you've entered into a room filled with light and warmth. There are no other people in this room; just imagine yourself alone here with all these wonderful things around you: flowers on tables, soft carpets underfoot… whatever makes sense for YOU! Feel yourself being enveloped by this lightness as it fills up every part of your being.
When you feel ready (and only when), open up your eyes again and take another deep breath…
Fear of something terrible will happen can be a crippling fear. It's not uncommon to have a fear of something terrible happening, but it can make it hard to live your life.
You may be afraid that you're going to hurt someone you love, or you might worry about being attacked by someone else. You may even be afraid that you won't be able to protect yourself from harm, which can make you anxious and unable to relax.
No matter what you're afraid of, there is help available with an hypnosis meditation for fear of something terrible will happen. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help change your perspective on your fears and alleviate them quickly and easily.
In this hypnosis meditation for fear of something terrible will happen, I'll guide you through a relaxation exercise before helping you focus on what triggers your fear response. This way we can get to the root cause of your anxiety so we can eliminate it for good!
Fear of something terrible will happen to you or a loved one is a common fear that many face. It can be incredibly difficult to overcome. But you are not alone, and there are steps you can take to help yourself feel better.
The first step is to understand that this fear is valid and real, even if it seems irrational. Your brain has created a pattern of thinking that makes you feel like something terrible will happen. It's natural for your brain to do this because it wants to protect you from danger, but in this case it's mistaken and needs help breaking the pattern.
The next step is to recognize how your fears affect your life every day. For example, do you avoid doing things because of your fear? Do you avoid going outside? Do you miss out on opportunities because of your fear?
Once you've recognized how these fears are affecting your life, then it's time for action! The best way to overcome a fear is by facing it head-on and learning how not having a fear works in practice. That's why we recommend practicing our FEAR OF SOMETHING TERRIBLE WILL HAPPEN HYPNOSIS MEDITATION every day until the pattern breaks completely!
Hi, I'm [name]. I'm here to help you overcome your fear. If you are like most people and have some sort of fear, I can help you get over it.
If you have a fear of something terrible happening, then this meditation is for you. This is a simple and effective way to cure your fear and let go of it for good. You'll be able to live your life without being held back by your fear anymore.
The first step is to relax yourself so that we can begin the process of curing your fear. Find a comfortable place where no one else will disturb you and sit down comfortably in an upright position with both feet firmly on the ground or floor. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through the nose, hold it for a few seconds and exhale out through the mouth slowly while counting down from 5-1 slowly until you reach 0 at which point keep breathing normally.(Note: Do not hold your breath while counting down)
Now focus on relaxing each part of your body starting with toes all the way up until reaching head;
What if you could be at peace with the idea that something terrible might happen?
What if you could let go of the fear and stop worrying about it so much?
The truth is that nothing is certain, and we can't control everything in life. But what if you could learn to be comfortable with uncertainty? That would be amazing!
In this meditation, we'll take some time to explore how you feel about uncertainty by examining your own thoughts and feelings around it. Then we'll focus on letting go of those fears and worries, so that you can live a life where you are able to embrace those uncertainties in a way that feels good for you.
You're about to learn a powerful new technique that will help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening. This is a simple but effective way to get past your fear and move on with your life.
This is an easy exercise you can do in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a pen and paper, or just write this down in your phone. It should take no more than 5 minutes or so.
First, think of something that makes you feel anxious or scared. It could be anything: maybe it's the thought of not being able to pay your bills, or maybe it's the idea that someone might break into your house at night while you're sleeping. Whatever it is, write it down on a piece of paper.
Next, think about what happens when this thing happens. What happens if you can't pay your bills? Does that mean someone will come and take away all of your possessions? Do you think they'll arrest you for not paying? Or do you think they'll let it slide somehow? Write down all these thoughts as well.
Now we're going to use some hypnotic techniques
In this session, we will be exploring the fear of something terrible happening.
This fear is something that many people experience and it can have a huge impact on your life.
The good news is that there are ways to manage this fear and live your life without being held back by it.
One way to do this is through hypnosis.
If you're feeling a little bit anxious, hypnosis can help.
In this audio, I'll guide you through a meditation that will help you relax and feel more at ease. It's great for helping with fears (like the fear of something terrible happening), limiting beliefs, and more! I've used this meditation to help out many people, so give it a try!
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear. The fear of something terrible happening can be defined as the fear of being harmed by someone or something and the fear of things like fire, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters.
This hypnosis meditation will help you to overcome this fear by re-programming your subconscious mind with positive suggestions and affirmations.
The positive suggestions that are made during hypnosis are usually accepted by the subconscious mind as truths. This means that they will be stored in your subconscious mind as programs that you can use at any time to change your life for the better!
This hypnosis session will also help you to overcome any other fears that may be holding you back from achieving success in life.
Fear of Something Terrible Will Happen
This is a hypnosis meditation designed to help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening and replace it with peace and confidence.
To get the most out of this recording, please follow these instructions.
1. Make sure you're in a safe place where you won't be disturbed for about 30 minutes.
2. Turn off all distractions (TV, phone, computer).
3. Listen to the entire recording in one sitting. This is important because your unconscious mind needs time to absorb the suggestions.
4. Relax and enjoy the experience!
If you're afraid of something terrible happening, it's normal to worry. It's a natural response to fear.
But there are ways to make the fear go away—and that's what we're going to talk about today.
The first thing you can do is acknowledge that your fear is valid, but then move past it. That doesn't mean ignoring it or trying to push it out of your mind; instead, it means acknowledging that yes, this really is scary and then moving on from there.
If you can do that, then you've taken the first step toward feeling calmer about whatever it is that scares you. And from there, the next step is accepting that whatever happens will happen—whether or not it's good or bad.
This one might sound easy but trust me—it's not! But if you can accept that life is uncertain and unpredictable, then the next time something comes up in your life and scares you… well… at least now you know how to deal with it!
Fear of something terrible will happen hypnosis meditation can help you overcome this fear. The first thing that you need to do when trying to overcome this fear is to understand what it is that causes your fear. You need to know why you are afraid and what makes it worse for you. Once you figure out what makes your fear worse, then it will be easier for you to find ways to deal with it.
Fear is often caused by an irrational feeling that something bad will happen if we don't do something right now! For example, if we see someone falling over on the street we might feel afraid because they might get hurt if they don't get up soon enough! In reality there's nothing wrong with letting them rest and recover from their fall before trying to help them stand up again but somehow our mind thinks differently about these types of situations which leads us into thinking that something terrible will
Hey there, it's [name] from [company name].
I'm going to show you how to get rid of the fear of something terrible happening using hypnosis!
The first thing we're going to do is sit down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. If you'd like, you can play some relaxing music while you listen. When you're ready let me know and we'll begin.
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear that many people experience. This fear can be paralyzing and keep us from living our lives to the fullest.
The good news is, you can use hypnosis to overcome your fear of something terrible happening in your life.
In this video, I'll show you how to do that by using a simple guided meditation.
To get started, just sit comfortably and relax with your eyes closed. Imagine yourself in a safe place where nothing bad will happen to you or anyone else around you. Now imagine that the doorbell rings and when you open the door, there's an old friend who has come to visit you! Feel the joy that comes from seeing that person again after so long…
Fear of something terrible will happen is one of the most common fears out there. It can be triggered by anything: a person, an event, a situation, or even a thought.
The good news is that you can use hypnosis to help you overcome your fear of something terrible will happen. The first step is to understand what’s causing your fear and then work on changing it.
First of all, let’s talk about what causes this kind of fear. The most common cause is when something bad has already happened in the past and we are afraid it will happen again.
For example: You were walking home from school one day when someone grabbed your backpack and ran off with it (or maybe they stole something from inside). This made you feel scared so now anytime you go anywhere alone or even close to where this happened, you become anxious and afraid because you think that same thing could happen again.
Another common reason for this type of fear is when someone says something negative about us or does something harmful toward us like bullying us at school or online bullying through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram etc…This makes us feel scared because now we’re afraid people will continue
This is a guided meditation that will help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening to you.
It is important to do this meditation when you are in a relaxed state, so try it before bedtime or on a weekend morning.
Start by closing your eyes, and taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this three times before letting go of all the stress and tension in your body with another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Now imagine yourself walking down a long hallway with no end in sight. The walls around you are covered with beautiful paintings, but they're not just any paintings: they're all of yourself! They're all different representations of you at different stages of life—from when you were 5 years old right up until today—and there's not one painting where someone has done anything mean or bad to you.
As you look at these paintings, notice how good it feels to be surrounded by them all; notice how much love there is for yourself in these pictures; notice how amazing it feels knowing that no one has ever hurt you before or would ever want to hurt anyone like this.
This is a hypnosis meditation to help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening. You may be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet, or you may be afraid of something that has already happened, but you are still feeling the effects.
In this meditation, we're going to help you find a way to move past that fear and make peace with it so that it no longer holds you back. We'll be doing some deep breathing, some visualization, and some affirmations as well.
The more you listen to this audio, the more effective it will be!
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear among people. It may be due to the fact that we are human and we are afraid of what could potentially hurt us.
What if I do this and something bad happens? What if that person doesn't like me? What if they think I'm weird? These are just some examples of things that can potentially make us feel fear.
In this video, we'll be learning how to overcome your fear of something terrible will happen using hypnosis. We'll be doing it by focusing on the positive aspects of life and letting go of any negative thoughts you might have about yourself or others.
You'll also learn how to stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet, which is called anticipatory anxiety or worry. This type of anxiety is usually caused by past experiences or negative thoughts about what might happen in the future.
Finally, we'll also discuss how to manage your stress levels by incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine such as exercise, meditation, eating well and getting enough sleep at night time so that when faced with stressful situations later on down the road there won't be any issues with coping mechanisms due to lack thereof (i
Hi, my name is [name] and I'm a hypnotherapist. We're going to do this session together. You're going to relax your body and mind, and then we'll work on helping you get rid of your fears. Let's get started!
Let's start with some breathing exercises. Close your eyes and take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine that the breath is going down into the bottom of your feet and up into the top of your head, making an invisible pathway through your body. Now let's visualize this pathway getting wider and wider with each breath you take until it feels like it's all around you, surrounding every part of you with positive energy.
Now that we've opened up this pathway, let's use it to help move away any negative energy or thoughts that are inside you right now—like fear or anxiety over something terrible happening in the future—that might be causing you pain or discomfort in any way right now. Just imagine those thoughts floating away from inside of you until they disappear completely; then repeat this process for any other thoughts or feelings that don't feel good inside your mind or body either: worry about something happening tomorrow night; fear about losing someone special in
The fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear, which can be difficult to overcome. This meditation will help you to relax and let go of your fear so that you can enjoy life without worrying about something terrible happening.
Sit down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Imagine yourself relaxing into a comfortable chair, with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting at your sides. Let go of any tension in your body and imagine yourself sinking deeper into the chair with each breath you take.
Now imagine that you are standing outside in front of the house where you grew up as a child. You can see it clearly in front of you, as if it was real life – but when you look at it closely, it turns out that there is no house there at all! Instead, there is just empty space where it used to be standing before – no walls or roof or windows or doors; just empty space where once stood a beautiful house full of memories from childhood.
And now imagine that someone tells you that there was never any danger at all – nothing bad could ever happen here because there was never
Hi there! I'm [name], and today I'm going to be talking about how to use hypnosis to help you overcome a fear of something terrible happening. This is a very common fear, but it can be hard to overcome because it's so ingrained in your mind and body.
The first thing you need to do is get some privacy and make sure that no one will disturb you for the next half hour or so. Next, sit down with your eyes closed and breathe deeply for two minutes. You should feel yourself relaxing as you do this. Once you've finished breathing deeply, you're ready to begin the actual meditation.
Now imagine that there is a door in front of you. Open this door and step inside—you've entered into a room filled with light and warmth. There are no other people in this room; just imagine yourself alone here with all these wonderful things around you: flowers on tables, soft carpets underfoot… whatever makes sense for YOU! Feel yourself being enveloped by this lightness as it fills up every part of your being.
When you feel ready (and only when), open up your eyes again and take another deep breath…
Fear of something terrible will happen can be a crippling fear. It's not uncommon to have a fear of something terrible happening, but it can make it hard to live your life.
You may be afraid that you're going to hurt someone you love, or you might worry about being attacked by someone else. You may even be afraid that you won't be able to protect yourself from harm, which can make you anxious and unable to relax.
No matter what you're afraid of, there is help available with an hypnosis meditation for fear of something terrible will happen. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help change your perspective on your fears and alleviate them quickly and easily.
In this hypnosis meditation for fear of something terrible will happen, I'll guide you through a relaxation exercise before helping you focus on what triggers your fear response. This way we can get to the root cause of your anxiety so we can eliminate it for good!
Fear of something terrible will happen to you or a loved one is a common fear that many face. It can be incredibly difficult to overcome. But you are not alone, and there are steps you can take to help yourself feel better.
The first step is to understand that this fear is valid and real, even if it seems irrational. Your brain has created a pattern of thinking that makes you feel like something terrible will happen. It's natural for your brain to do this because it wants to protect you from danger, but in this case it's mistaken and needs help breaking the pattern.
The next step is to recognize how your fears affect your life every day. For example, do you avoid doing things because of your fear? Do you avoid going outside? Do you miss out on opportunities because of your fear?
Once you've recognized how these fears are affecting your life, then it's time for action! The best way to overcome a fear is by facing it head-on and learning how not having a fear works in practice. That's why we recommend practicing our FEAR OF SOMETHING TERRIBLE WILL HAPPEN HYPNOSIS MEDITATION every day until the pattern breaks completely!
Hi, I'm [name]. I'm here to help you overcome your fear. If you are like most people and have some sort of fear, I can help you get over it.
If you have a fear of something terrible happening, then this meditation is for you. This is a simple and effective way to cure your fear and let go of it for good. You'll be able to live your life without being held back by your fear anymore.
The first step is to relax yourself so that we can begin the process of curing your fear. Find a comfortable place where no one else will disturb you and sit down comfortably in an upright position with both feet firmly on the ground or floor. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through the nose, hold it for a few seconds and exhale out through the mouth slowly while counting down from 5-1 slowly until you reach 0 at which point keep breathing normally.(Note: Do not hold your breath while counting down)
Now focus on relaxing each part of your body starting with toes all the way up until reaching head;
What if you could be at peace with the idea that something terrible might happen?
What if you could let go of the fear and stop worrying about it so much?
The truth is that nothing is certain, and we can't control everything in life. But what if you could learn to be comfortable with uncertainty? That would be amazing!
In this meditation, we'll take some time to explore how you feel about uncertainty by examining your own thoughts and feelings around it. Then we'll focus on letting go of those fears and worries, so that you can live a life where you are able to embrace those uncertainties in a way that feels good for you.
You're about to learn a powerful new technique that will help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening. This is a simple but effective way to get past your fear and move on with your life.
This is an easy exercise you can do in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a pen and paper, or just write this down in your phone. It should take no more than 5 minutes or so.
First, think of something that makes you feel anxious or scared. It could be anything: maybe it's the thought of not being able to pay your bills, or maybe it's the idea that someone might break into your house at night while you're sleeping. Whatever it is, write it down on a piece of paper.
Next, think about what happens when this thing happens. What happens if you can't pay your bills? Does that mean someone will come and take away all of your possessions? Do you think they'll arrest you for not paying? Or do you think they'll let it slide somehow? Write down all these thoughts as well.
Now we're going to use some hypnotic techniques
In this session, we will be exploring the fear of something terrible happening.
This fear is something that many people experience and it can have a huge impact on your life.
The good news is that there are ways to manage this fear and live your life without being held back by it.
One way to do this is through hypnosis.
If you're feeling a little bit anxious, hypnosis can help.
In this audio, I'll guide you through a meditation that will help you relax and feel more at ease. It's great for helping with fears (like the fear of something terrible happening), limiting beliefs, and more! I've used this meditation to help out many people, so give it a try!
Fear of something terrible will happen is a common fear. The fear of something terrible happening can be defined as the fear of being harmed by someone or something and the fear of things like fire, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters.
This hypnosis meditation will help you to overcome this fear by re-programming your subconscious mind with positive suggestions and affirmations.
The positive suggestions that are made during hypnosis are usually accepted by the subconscious mind as truths. This means that they will be stored in your subconscious mind as programs that you can use at any time to change your life for the better!
This hypnosis session will also help you to overcome any other fears that may be holding you back from achieving success in life.
Fear of Something Terrible Will Happen
This is a hypnosis meditation designed to help you overcome your fear of something terrible happening and replace it with peace and confidence.
To get the most out of this recording, please follow these instructions.
1. Make sure you're in a safe place where you won't be disturbed for about 30 minutes.
2. Turn off all distractions (TV, phone, computer).
3. Listen to the entire recording in one sitting. This is important because your unconscious mind needs time to absorb the suggestions.
4. Relax and enjoy the experience!
If you're afraid of something terrible happening, it's normal to worry. It's a natural response to fear.
But there are ways to make the fear go away—and that's what we're going to talk about today.
The first thing you can do is acknowledge that your fear is valid, but then move past it. That doesn't mean ignoring it or trying to push it out of your mind; instead, it means acknowledging that yes, this really is scary and then moving on from there.
If you can do that, then you've taken the first step toward feeling calmer about whatever it is that scares you. And from there, the next step is accepting that whatever happens will happen—whether or not it's good or bad.
This one might sound easy but trust me—it's not! But if you can accept that life is uncertain and unpredictable, then the next time something comes up in your life and scares you… well… at least now you know how to deal with it!