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- Fear of Speaking on the Phone Hypnosis Meditation
Fear of Speaking on the Phone Hypnosis Meditation
Listen to this Meditation / Guided Meditation / Relaxation Meditation / Hypnosis Download / Mp3 Recording at least once a day, the more you listen the more powerful it becomes, there is no such thing as listening to much.
Do you suffer from fear of speaking on the phone? If so, you are not alone. Many people experience anxiety when it comes to talking on the phone. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this fear. Hypnosis meditation can help you to overcome your fear of speaking on the phone.
Clive Westwood is one of Australia's respected, leading Hypnotherapy Specialists, focusing on one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions, group Meditation hypnosis, and downloadable hypnotherapy mp3 sessions. Clive has studied under the greatest hypnotherapists in the world, and has made appearances on Today Tonight, 2GB Radio, 9 News and ABC Morning Radio.
This hypnosis meditation is designed to help you overcome your fear of speaking on the phone.
It will help you feel more comfortable and confident about making phone calls, allowing you to connect with people and handle business effectively.
You will be able to talk on the phone without feeling any embarrassment or discomfort. You will also be able to handle any situation calmly and confidently.
Hey there, you!
How are you feeling today?
I hope you're having a great day. I know it's been a rough week for you, so I thought it might help to take a few minutes and relax with this hypnosis meditation.
It's called Fear of Speaking on the Phone.
We all feel nervous when calling someone we don't know very well or haven't spoken with in a while—and that's totally normal! But what if you could get past those nerves? What if you could just be yourself and have fun speaking with people on the phone?
You can—and this hypnosis meditation will help you do it. It starts off by relaxing your body so that your mind can follow suit, and then it takes you through some visualizations that will help you feel more comfortable talking to people over the phone.
When you're finished listening to this recording, you'll be ready to call anyone—even people who intimidate or overwhelm you!
Hi, and welcome to the Fear of Speaking on the Phone Hypnosis Meditation.
I'm [your name], and I'm here to help you get over your fear of speaking on the phone.
Let's start by taking a deep breath in through your nose and slowly letting it out through your mouth. Imagine that you're breathing in relaxation, and as you breathe out, imagine all of the tension leaving your body. Take another deep breath in through your nose—this time imagining that as you inhale, all of your tension is being pulled into the air around you, like a vacuum. As you exhale, let go of that tension and feel it leave with each breath.
Now imagine a warm light glowing at the center of your chest. It's shining bright and spreading waves of warmth throughout your body as it travels down into every part of you. This light is healing energy that will help calm any anxious feelings or thoughts that might be affecting how well we're able to connect over the phone today. With each breath we take together now, let's focus on bringing more peace into our minds and bodies as we prepare for this call!
As we prepare for this call
Before you start this meditation, take a few moments to relax. Take a deep breath in through your nose and let it out through your mouth. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in relaxation and exhale any stress or tension. You may have heard that the best way to make decisions is by taking a break from the situation or problem for some time. This is true for hypnosis as well. You need to be relaxed and calm in order for your mind to access its subconscious mind state where change can happen.
Take another deep breath in through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth. As you breathe, imagine yourself on a beach watching the sunset with the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shoreline and seagulls calling overhead. Imagine yourself relaxing on a hammock listening to these sounds and feeling comfortable and safe as they wash over you like warm water from an ocean wave breaking gently against the shoreline. As you continue relaxing into this scene, notice how much more relaxed you feel than before while still remaining aware of what's going on around you without feeling threatened by it all!
Hi there!
I'm a hypnotherapist who specializes in helping people overcome their fear of speaking on the phone. I know that it's easy to feel like you're all alone with this, but I'm here to tell you that you aren't.
In my work as a hypnotherapist, I've helped hundreds of people overcome their fears and phobias, so I know what works and what doesn't. And that's why I'm confident that this meditation will help you get over your fear of speaking on the phone.
If you're ready to get started, just click play below.
I'm going to teach you a meditation that will help you get over your fear of speaking on the phone.
The first thing I want you to do is take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds. Hold it as long as possible. Then, let it out slowly. Now, take another deep breath in and hold it for just a moment longer than the last time. Let it out slowly again when you feel ready to do so.
Now, close your eyes and visualize yourself talking into the phone with no trouble at all. See yourself looking confident and relaxed as you speak with someone on the other end of the line. Notice all of the details of this image: what kind of phone are you talking on? What color is your shirt? How does it feel when someone says hello to you? What do they sound like? What kind of smile are they wearing? You can use these details to help anchor yourself in reality when using this meditation in the future—it'll remind you that what's happening isn't real!
Now, take another deep breath in—this time longer than before—and hold it there for about ten seconds before letting out slowly once again (that's about twice as long as before!). Feel free
Hi, and welcome to today's Fear of Speaking on the Phone hypnosis meditation.
Today we're going to be talking about your fear of speaking on the phone. It's a very common fear, and it can really get in the way of you living your best life. But don't worry—we're going to help you get over it!
Now, what are some ways that you can relax when you're on the phone? Do you like to take deep breaths? Do you like to doodle? Do you like to listen to music? Whatever helps you most, focus on that.
Take a deep breath in through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth. Feel yourself relaxing into this moment as we go deeper into hypnosis. Let go of any worries or concerns as they slip away from you now. Let them float away like balloons as they rise up into the sky and disappear from view…
Now imagine a balloon floating up into the sky and disappearing from view… You're feeling more relaxed than ever before… Your mind is clear of any worries or concerns… The only thing in this moment is YOU—and how calm and serene YOU feel right now…
I'm going to take you on a journey through your subconscious mind, where all of your fears and anxieties are stored.
You might be thinking: "Why would I want to go there?" But let's face it—we all have fears and anxieties that hold us back from living the life we want to live. And if you're anything like me, you've tried every trick in the book to get rid of those fears, from hypnosis to self-help books. But nothing works for long. And when my clients come back for more, I know what they're dealing with. They're dealing with their subconscious minds, which are always working against them—and I'm here to show you how we can change that.
In this guided meditation we'll go deep into your subconscious mind so that you can see exactly why these fears exist and what they're doing to hold you back from achieving your goals. Once we've identified the root of your fear (be it fear of rejection or fear of failure), we'll work together as a team: YOU AND ME! We'll create an action plan so that next time something comes up that triggers one of your fears, you'll have a strategy in place to get past it quickly and easily
I'm going to count backwards from 10 to 1.
And when I reach 1, you'll be fully relaxed and ready to go.
1… You're ready to go!
This hypnosis is designed to help you overcome your fear of speaking on the phone. It will help you to feel more confident and calm while speaking with others on the phone.
This hypnosis will help you to be more confident when speaking on the phone by:
-Teaching you how to relax your body and focus your mind in order to stay calm when speaking with someone over the phone
-Helping you identify any fears that may be holding back your ability to speak confidently on the phone
-Using language patterns that will make it easier for you to talk confidently over the phone
This hypnosis session is designed to help you overcome your fear of speaking on the phone. This fear can be debilitating and hold you back from getting what you want, whether that's more sales or just a little bit of extra income. By using this recording, you'll learn how to feel more confident when talking on the phone, so that you can do more of it—and get what you want from it.
You are ready to face your fear of talking on the phone. You are going to be able to speak with confidence and ease.
You will be able to ask the right questions and listen intently. You will feel relaxed, focused and confident.
You will feel free of any anxiety or nervousness when speaking on the phone.
You are going to learn how to relax your body and mind. You will be able to speak clearly, with confidence and clarity as you talk on the phone!
You are going to be able to speak naturally and easily without any hesitation, doubt or worry about what others may think of you!
Fear of Speaking on the Phone
This is a meditation for anyone who has a hard time talking on the phone, whether it's because you're shy or because you have anxiety.
You may be wondering why you need to do this when there are so many people who can't even talk to themselves. The reason is that when we don't speak up for ourselves, we leave room for others to take away our power.
When we allow others to make decisions for us, it's like giving them control over our lives. We've all been there—it's easy to let someone else take over and make decisions for us, but that means we're not taking responsibility for our own lives. If you want to change anything in your life, you have to start by changing how you see yourself and what you believe in.
So how do we get started? It starts with facing your fears and taking responsibility for who you are and what happens in your life. The first step is learning how to talk about yourself without feeling like it's an interruption or burden on other people. And this meditation will help with just that!
Hello there, my name is [name], and I'm a hypnotherapist.
I'd like to help you with your fear of speaking on the phone.
What we'll do is begin by relaxing and taking some deep breaths.
Now, imagine that you are in a beautiful place, somewhere safe and calm. It could be a forest, or maybe just a park bench in your neighborhood. Whatever it is, this place will help you feel relaxed and comfortable as we get started today.
As you look around this peaceful spot, notice how peaceful and calm you feel here. Let yourself relax completely into this feeling of peace and tranquility as we continue our session together today.
Now imagine that there's a telephone nearby—a telephone that doesn't ring or make any other noise at all right now! Just let yourself look at it and think about how much easier it would be if this phone didn't ring at all… if there were no need to pick up that phone at all and talk to anyone on it… instead of having to deal with the stress that comes along with picking up the phone whenever someone calls us, whether they're calling us for something important or not…
In fact, why don't