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- Fear of the Colour Black Hypnosis Meditation
Fear of the Colour Black Hypnosis Meditation
Listen to this Meditation / Guided Meditation / Relaxation Meditation / Hypnosis Download / Mp3 Recording at least once a day, the more you listen the more powerful it becomes, there is no such thing as listening to much.
xperience true freedom from any irrational fear of the colour black with this deep and powerful Fear of the Colour Black Hypnosis Meditation. Enter a deep and peaceful state of relaxation and release any anxiety or fear associated with this colour.
Clive Westwood is one of Australia's respected, leading Hypnotherapy Specialists, focusing on one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions, group Meditation hypnosis, and downloadable hypnotherapy mp3 sessions. Clive has studied under the greatest hypnotherapists in the world, and has made appearances on Today Tonight, 2GB Radio, 9 News and ABC Morning Radio.
As you listen to this hypnosis session, you will feel deeply relaxed and soothed. You will be guided into a deep state of hypnosis where your subconscious mind can accept suggestions that are being made to it by me. As you listen, your mind will be programmed with positive suggestions that help you overcome your fear of the colour black and make it easier for you to be around it.
The colour black is a powerful colour. It's the absence of light, and it has a way of making us feel small and insignificant.
In this hypnosis meditation, we will explore your relationship with the colour black and learn how to change how you think about it. We'll start by talking about how you might have been exposed to this fear in your life and then move on to talking through some of the ways you can use your imagination to create a new perspective on black that feels more empowering. You'll learn some simple techniques for overcoming this fear as well as a mantra or affirmation that will help keep your mind focused on positive outcomes when you think about black in the future.
I hope you enjoy this meditation!
Hey! This is [your name], and today I'm going to teach you how to overcome your fear of the color black.
I know it can be scary. It's dark, it's mysterious and it just feels like it's trying to swallow you whole. But it doesn't have to be that way! In fact, you can use this fear as an opportunity for growth and healing.
So let's get started!
Fear of the colour black hypnosis meditation
This is a simple, effective way to stop being scared of the colour black.
It's a simple technique that involves you imagining yourself on a beach, and then imagining the sky turning black. Then, you imagine the sun disappearing behind a cloud, and then finally falling asleep.
Start by sitting up straight in bed with your eyes closed and your back straight. Focus on breathing deeply and slowly for a couple minutes until you feel relaxed. Then visualise yourself on a beach—it can be any beach you like as long as it's sunny and warm! In your mind's eye, imagine yourself walking along the shoreline, enjoying the warm sand between your toes and feeling the heat of the sun on your face. When you're ready, bring your attention back to yourself in bed again.
Now imagine what happens when the sun has set: how does the colour of the sky change? What happens when it goes from blue or orange to dark purple or black? What does this feel like? Does it make you feel uncomfortable or scared? If so, try to think about why this might be: does it remind you of something bad from childhood? Does it remind
You are about to embark on a journey.
A journey of self-discovery.
You will be guided through this journey by the words I speak, and the images I show you.
Listen carefully, and follow my instructions closely.
Close your eyes, and take a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth.
Hello, and welcome to the Fear of the Colour Black Hypnosis Meditation.
You are about to experience a powerful journey into your subconscious mind.
This is a safe environment where you can explore the things that frighten you in the light of day.
There is nothing to fear here. You are safe and secure.
The colours black and white are powerful tools for healing and transformation. They represent opposites which when combined create a balance between good and evil, light and dark, positive and negative energy etc… They also represent duality which is the basis of all reality creation: everything has its opposite which makes up the whole!
During this session we will be using black light to help heal your fears so they no longer have any power over you.
Let's start by taking a deep breath in, and breathing out slowly.
That's it, relax into the chair and let me guide you through this meditation.
Now, close your eyes and let yourself drift back into a state of relaxation.
Picture yourself in an elevator with your friends. The elevator door opens and you step out onto a busy city street. You look up at the sky and see that it's filled with dark clouds, but they're getting lighter by the minute.
You are standing in front of a large building with lots of glass windows on each floor. The entrance has a big sign that says: "FEAR OF THE COLOUR BLACK HYPNOSIS MEDITATION." You know this is where you need to go right now because you have been having some issues with fear of black recently, but have no idea how to fix it!
Hey, hey! I'm so excited you're here.
This is going to be such a fun meditation!
Today, we're going to be working on your fear of the colour black.
I know it can be scary, but we're going to work through this together.
You ready? Let's go!
Hi! This is a hypnosis session to help you overcome your fear of the colour black.
You are going to enter a deeply relaxed state and experience a trance. Your subconscious mind will be programmed with positive suggestions to help you overcome your fear of the colour black.
Your conscious mind will remain aware of what is happening, but your unconscious mind will respond to the suggestions that I give you. You can follow along with me, or just relax and listen as I guide you through this process.
When we are finished, you will feel calm, confident, and relaxed. You will no longer feel afraid of the colour black, and instead you will be able to see it as an attractive, beautiful colour.
You are ready to begin now. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Let each breath go out slowly through your mouth as you let go of all thoughts about what happened earlier today when you saw something in black that made you feel afraid or uncomfortable. Let those thoughts melt away from your mind like snowflakes falling gently from the sky on a warm spring day… melting away into nothingness… until there is nothing left but peace and quiet in your mind…
Now I want
Hi there, this is [your name]. And today, we're going to talk about the colour black.
Black is a very powerful colour. It's also one of the most feared colours in the world.
And I think that's because it just has so much power. It can be used to create things like shadows and darkness, which can be scary. And it can also be used to hide things—like secrets or pain—which might scare us because we don't know what they are.
But I want to tell you why black isn't really scary. Because when you look at it closely, you'll see that all those dark colours aren't really as scary as they seem! They're actually quite beautiful and interesting!
So today, I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself standing in front of a huge wall of black paint…
I am here to help you overcome the fear of the colour black. In this hypnosis, I will guide you through a journey into your subconscious mind where you will meet your Inner Child. Your Inner Child will take you back to when you first experienced this fear and help you understand why it developed. You will then be able to release any negative emotions associated with this fear, allowing you to move forward in life without it holding you back anymore.
Fear of the colour black can cause you to avoid it, even if there is no real danger involved.
This hypnosis session will help you to get over this fear by helping you to accept that black is not a dangerous colour to be afraid of.
When you are finished listening to this session, you will have no more fear of the colour black.
Fear of the Colour Black
This is a hypnosis session designed to help you overcome your fear of the colour black.
Sit back, relax, and listen to the sound of my voice. With every breath you take, you will feel yourself getting more relaxed and more focused. You're already beginning to feel more comfortable and more confident.
The colour black is associated with many things: night, shadows, death, evil. But that's all just superstition! The truth is that there's nothing inherently dangerous or evil about black—it's just a colour like all others. And if you think about it, it's really no different from any other colour. It's just as safe as any other colour.
Now imagine yourself standing in a room full of blackness—darkness everywhere except for one small spot where there's light coming from somewhere behind you. You can't see what's causing the light; it might be a candle or a torch or even sunlight shining through a window somewhere else in the world outside this room where you're standing right now… but wherever it came from originally, its source doesn't matter because now there's only one thing that matters: what happens next?
Hi, and welcome to this Fear of the Colour Black Hypnosis Meditation.
I'm going to ask you to close your eyes and just follow my voice. There's nothing to worry about here. Just focus on what I'm saying and let yourself relax as much as possible.
Now, I want you to think of a time when you were afraid of something. It could be anything—a person, a place, or an object—it doesn't matter. Think back to that time when you felt the most afraid of it.
Now imagine yourself in that situation again. But this time, instead of being afraid of it, how do you feel? Do you feel calm? Are there any other feelings besides fear?
If there are other feelings besides fear, tell me about them now: "I feel angry." Great! That's really helpful for me because now we're going to use those feelings in our hypnosis session today so that we can help change your fear into something more manageable for yourself!
Now imagine yourself in front of this thing or person or place that makes you feel afraid: "I am standing in front of this thing that makes me
Fear of the colour black? Don't worry, we've got you covered.
In this hypnosis session, we're going to help you overcome your fear of the colour black. You'll learn how to relax, let go of stress and anxiety, and leave yourself open to new experiences.
I'm going to guide you through some relaxation techniques, and then I'll count down from 10 to 1. When I say "1", you will be in a state of deep relaxation. You can let go completely and just follow my voice as I tell you what's going on with your body and mind.
Once I say "1", imagine that it's a beautiful sunny day outside. It's warm but not too hot—it's just right for being outside in your favourite pair of shorts or skirt. The air smells fresh and clear like it does when there aren't too many people around, so everything feels peaceful and calm. You can feel the warmth on your skin as the sun shines down on it—it feels good!
Now imagine that down on the ground in front of you is a big pile of black paint—the darkest shade possible! It looks like tar: thick, sticky and glossy black all over the ground around it