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- Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation
Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation
Listen to this Meditation / Guided Meditation / Relaxation Meditation / Hypnosis Download / Mp3 Recording at least once a day, the more you listen the more powerful it becomes, there is no such thing as listening to much.
Do you feel like fear is holding you back from living your best life? Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation is here to help. This powerful meditation will help you to overcome your fear and take control of your life.
Clive Westwood is one of Australia's respected, leading Hypnotherapy Specialists, focusing on one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions, group Meditation hypnosis, and downloadable hypnotherapy mp3 sessions. Clive has studied under the greatest hypnotherapists in the world, and has made appearances on Today Tonight, 2GB Radio, 9 News and ABC Morning Radio.
A meditation for those who have been through a lot and have a hard time opening up to others, or even just themselves.
Fear of the Heart is a guided meditation that uses hypnosis to help you be more vulnerable, honest, and open with yourself.
This meditation will help you:
-Feel more comfortable being vulnerable
-Find it easier to open up about your feelings
-Feel like you can trust yourself more
Fear of the Heart Meditation
I know that, in my life, I've experienced fear. I also know that fear is a powerful emotion.
Fear can trick you into thinking that you're in danger when you aren't. It can tell you that the way to handle your problems is to run away from them. And it can make your mind feel clouded or out-of-control when really, all you need is a little bit of guidance.
That's where this meditation comes in: to help you find clarity, calmness and peace when your emotions threaten to overwhelm you. By practicing this meditation regularly, you'll learn how to quiet your fears so they don't have power over your thoughts or actions anymore!
In this meditation, you will be guided through a process of bringing your attention to the heart and letting go of fear.
This is a powerful process that will help you deepen your connection with your inner self. Each time you listen to the recording, it will become more effective.
You can use this meditation whenever you wish, but listening to it regularly will make it even more effective.
Hi there!
I'm so glad you're here. I want to talk to you about a really important issue that's been affecting your life: Fear of the heart.
Fear of the heart is something that can have an incredible impact on your day-to-day life, and it's good to know what it is and how to treat it.
So let's get started!
You are going to be guided through a series of exercises that will help you overcome your fear of the heart.
First, we will start by getting in touch with your body. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Focus on the air entering and leaving your lungs. Notice how it feels as it moves through you.
Now imagine that you're at the top of a steep hill, which you have to climb without using any equipment or assistance. The ground is covered in snow, so you're going to have to use your hands and feet to get up there safely. You can feel yourself walking up the hill—the heaviness of each step on the snow, each foot sliding forward just a little bit more than before. You're moving slowly but surely toward the top!
Once you've reached the top of the hill, turn around and look down at where you've come from: all those steps behind you that brought you here today! You may even see some familiar faces—people who are important in your life right now or people who were important in your past but are not anymore because they've passed away already (if this applies). Now take another deep breath; feel yourself exhaling slowly…
Fear of the heart is a common problem, and it can be difficult to overcome. Fortunately, there's a way out of it—hypnosis!
In this meditation, I'll help you to relax and focus on breathing slowly in and out. As you focus on your breath, I'll guide you into a deep state of relaxation. Once you're relaxed, I'll guide you through a visualization that will help you let go of any fear that's holding you back from being happy and free.
When the meditation is over, I'll guide you through some positive affirmations that will help keep your mind on a positive track when dealing with fears about your heart.
This hypnosis meditation is designed to help you relax, so that you can let go of your fears and anxiety. You'll be guided through a series of steps that will help you feel more comfortable with the things that scare you. This is an excellent way to reduce stress, and it's also a great way to get over fears that have been holding you back.
If you have a fear of something specific, this is also a good way to help overcome it. The hypnosis process will put you in a deep state where the suggestions can help you overcome your fears or worries. It's important not to force yourself into doing something if it doesn't feel right; however, if you're willing to work on your issues, then this meditation may be just what you need!
Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation
This meditation is designed to help you overcome your fear of the heart. The heart is a powerful symbol, and it's often associated with love, but it can also represent fear. This meditation will help you conquer that fear by using positive visualizations and affirmations to build up your confidence.
This meditation works best with headphones on or earbuds in your ears. If you don't have headphones, you can still use this meditation—but be sure to be somewhere quiet where you won't be interrupted.
Begin by finding a comfortable position in a place where you won't be disturbed for 5-10 minutes. Make sure there are no distractions around you (turn off any TV or music). If possible, sit up straight on a chair with your feet flat on the floor and hands resting comfortably in your lap (you may want to wear loose clothing that won't restrict movement). Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax as best as possible while focusing on your breath coming in and out of your body.
When you feel ready, begin repeating these words silently over and over again: "I am calm and relaxed." To help reinforce this message even more strongly, imagine yourself standing outside
Hi there, welcome to the Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation.
First things first: I want you to know that you are safe and you are loved.
No matter what is going on in your life right now, or what might have happened in the past, you are safe with me and with yourself. And no matter what happens during this meditation, I will never let anything bad happen to you.
You are a beautiful person and I love who you are. And when we're done with this meditation, I want you to be able to love yourself just as much as I do.
You are a brave person, and you have shown this time and time again. You have spread your wings and have taken flight, and you have no plans of falling back down to earth. So what if you have a fear of heights? You can still enjoy the view from above!
You know that the world is full of opportunities to explore and discover, but sometimes it seems like there's just too much to do in one lifetime. That's why it's important for us as humans to take care of ourselves so we can continue making progress towards our goals without burning out or running out of energy.
So how do we do that? Well, first off, we need to learn how to take care of our bodies so they can continue functioning properly for us throughout our lives. We need healthy foods that will nourish our bodies instead of depleting them; we need exercise routines that will help us feel stronger physically as well as mentally; and lastly, we should get enough sleep so we're refreshed when we wake up every morning ready to tackle whatever comes next!
The fear of the heart is a common problem for many people. It can cause you to avoid relationships, or to become so anxious about them that you become unable to connect with people. It can also cause you to feel heartache and pain when it comes to love, which makes it difficult for you to enjoy your life.
This hypnosis meditation will help you overcome this fear of the heart by helping you relax, letting go of your fears, and finding peace in your life. You'll be able to connect with others without feeling anxiety, and enjoy being in love without feeling overwhelmed by emotions.
You'll leave this session feeling calm and relaxed, confident that you'll be able to handle any situation that comes your way. After listening to this hypnosis meditation once a day for 7 days straight (or however long it takes), you'll be able to free yourself from this fear forever!
Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation
You're going to love this hypnosis meditation! It's going to help you get rid of your fear of the heart and change your life. This hypnosis meditation is going to help you feel better about yourself and what you want out of life. You're going to be able to overcome any obstacles that come in your way and become a better person overall. So let me show you how it's done.
First, close your eyes and take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Now picture a white light coming down from above, filling up every inch of your body until it reaches the center of your chest. Now imagine that this white light represents all of the love that you have for yourself and everything else in the world around you. Now, imagine that there are two sides inside this white light—one side is filled with love and happiness while another side is filled with fear and doubt about yourself or anything else around you! Now focus on one side at a time for a few minutes before switching over again so that both sides are equally balanced out evenly throughout each day!
That's it! That's all
Hey! Welcome to the Fear of the Heart Hypnosis Meditation.
This meditation is designed to help you overcome fear by using the power of hypnosis.
The first step is to find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted for at least 15 minutes.
Then, get comfortable and close your eyes. You can either lay down or sit up in a chair. You can even do this while driving if you want!
Now, take some deep breaths and let them out slowly. Feel your breath go all the way down into your belly, and then all the way up again. Focus on how good it feels to breathe deeply like that, letting all your worries go on each exhale...
Imagine yourself standing at the top of a mountain overlooking a beautiful valley below. In front of you is an old wooden bridge that spans across a river to get there—but as far as you can see, it's not safe to cross! The bridge has collapsed into pieces, and only small remnants remain scattered across its length—and it looks like there just isn't any way across safely at all!
But then, something catches your eye further upstream: There's another bridge further upriver that seems
You are about to embark on the most important meditation of your life. This is a meditation that can change your life forever. It will help you get what you want, be who you want to be, and feel how you want to feel.
This meditation can be used as a tool to help you overcome your fears, worries, and anxiety. It is designed to help you become aware of those things that have been holding you back from living the life that you truly deserve.
By listening regularly to this hypnosis session, it will help you free yourself from limitations, allowing yourself to live more freely and fully in the present moment.
I am going to count down from five… all the way down… until one. When I reach one, I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose… hold it for three seconds… then exhale slowly through your mouth… keeping your eyes closed throughout this entire process. As you breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth, imagine yourself surrounded by a beautiful white light… letting it flow over every inch of your body like water… washing away any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that may still linger within your mind or body.
Hello, and welcome to this Fear of Heart Hypnosis Meditation.
I'm going to take you on a journey through your mind and body, where we'll explore your fears about your heart, and help you face them.
As you listen, you may find yourself feeling warm, relaxed, and calm. You may feel like sinking deeper into the couch or bed where you're seated now. If you are in a public space, like a waiting room or a library, it might be hard for you to keep track of time because we will both be so deeply focused on our own personal journeys that we won't even notice that anyone else is here with us.
As we go deeper into the meditation together, I want you to imagine that there are two doors in front of you: one red and one blue. The red door represents all of the fears that keep us from enjoying life fully; the blue door represents all of the things we really love about living life fully. And right now, as this moment unfolds before us as if in slow motion—like watching paint dry or pouring syrup over pancakes—we are going to walk through one of these doors together…