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- Fear of the Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation
Fear of the Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation
Listen to this Meditation / Guided Meditation / Relaxation Meditation / Hypnosis Download / Mp3 Recording at least once a day, the more you listen the more powerful it becomes, there is no such thing as listening to much.
Are you struggling with fear of the opposite sex? Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed when interacting with members of the opposite sex? If so, our Fear of the Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation is the perfect solution for you.
Clive Westwood is one of Australia's respected, leading Hypnotherapy Specialists, focusing on one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions, group Meditation hypnosis, and downloadable hypnotherapy mp3 sessions. Clive has studied under the greatest hypnotherapists in the world, and has made appearances on Today Tonight, 2GB Radio, 9 News and ABC Morning Radio.
In this meditation, you will focus on your fear of the opposite sex. You will be hypnotized to feel calm, confident and secure around members of the opposite sex. You will be guided to imagine yourself in social situations with members of the opposite sex in a way that makes you feel relaxed and at ease. You will also be guided to imagine yourself in romantic situations with members of the opposite sex in a way that makes you feel relaxed and at ease. This will help you to overcome your fear about being around members of the opposite sex so that when it comes time for you to meet someone new or date again, you will be able to relax and enjoy yourself!
Fear of the opposite sex hypnosis meditation is a simple and effective way to reduce your fear of the opposite sex.
The goal of this meditation is to help you feel more comfortable around members of the opposite sex and to make you more aware of how they are feeling.
This short hypnosis session will help you relax, let go of negative thoughts about yourself, and focus on positive things about your life.
How to Overcome Fear of the Opposite Sex with Hypnosis
You know you love that person, but every time you see them, your heart starts pounding and your palms get sweaty. It's like you can't control it. You're supposed to be feeling excited, but instead you're terrified.
This isn't just a problem for you—it's a problem for both of you. Because if they don't know what's going on, they might think something is wrong with them or that they're doing something wrong in the relationship. But the truth is, this fear has nothing to do with either of you! It's just an old habit that needs to be broken—and [company name] can help get rid of it once and for all so that both of you can move forward in your relationship without any more anxiety or embarrassment.
We offer a wide range of hypnosis sessions designed specifically for overcoming fears like this one. Each session is customized to fit your specific needs and goals so we can help you achieve whatever results are important to YOU personally—whether that means just getting rid of some unwanted anxiety or completely transforming the way you think about relationships altogether!
Are you afraid of the opposite sex?
If so, you're not alone.
The truth is that a lot of women and men are afraid of the opposite sex. And it's not always easy to explain why we feel this way. Sometimes it's just a feeling in our gut; sometimes it's something we've heard about or seen in the media; sometimes it's a combination of both.
But maybe you're not sure if you should be afraid at all…
Well, I'm here to tell you that there's nothing to be afraid of—and there never has been!
In fact, people are much more alike than different. Men and women have a lot in common. We want the same things out of life: happiness, love, peace, friendship… The list goes on! We all just want to be happy and feel loved—and who better to provide that than someone who understands us? Someone who understands our fears about what might happen if we let someone else get too close? Someone who understands how scary it can be when someone else wants something from us? Someone who understands what it feels like when someone else doesn't get it… Or when someone else gets too much power over us… Or when someone
[name], you've had a lot of trouble getting comfortable with the idea of dating, and of being intimate with someone. You're scared of being rejected or hurt, and even more scared that the rejection won't come from someone else—it'll come from within. You're afraid that if you open yourself up to love, you'll be disappointed when it doesn't work out.
But we want to help you get over that fear. Because we know that when you do open yourself up to love and intimacy, it's going to be amazing! You'll feel like you're finally free—like a bird soaring through the sky. We want to help you experience this freedom by teaching you how to hypnotize yourself into believing in your own self-worth and your own worthiness as a partner.
You can do this by following these simple steps: first, sit down somewhere quiet without distractions; second, close your eyes; third, imagine yourself as confident and happy; fourth, say "I accept myself"; fifth and lastly, imagine yourself dating someone who really likes you back!
Now repeat these steps every day until they become part of your routine! Soon enough
The fear of the opposite sex is a common problem that many people face. Many people have a fear of their own sex, others have a fear of the opposite sex and some have both kinds of fears at once! Fear of the opposite sex is usually caused by childhood experiences. You may have been exposed to sexual abuse or violence in your childhood which left you with a lot of negative feelings towards men and women as adults. These negative feelings can cause you to avoid them out of fear or even develop an obsession with them which can lead to problems in your personal life as well as relationships with people who share this phobia!
Are you afraid of the opposite sex?
The first step in overcoming this fear is to admit that you have it. Then, you can move on to the second step: recognizing that your fear is rooted in a deep-seated belief that there's something inherently wrong with you.
If you're still having trouble accepting that, then it might be time to consider the possibility that you've been conditioned to believe this about yourself. As humans, we're all built with an inherent fear of being threatened by others. It's no different for those who experience sexual attraction—and it doesn't mean anything bad about who they are as people!
If you're a woman and you're trying to get your man to fall in love with you, you've probably heard of a technique known as "reverse psychology." The idea is that if you show a man how much you want his affection, he'll be more likely to give it to you. It's a tried-and-true approach—but sometimes, people can just get too carried away with the whole reverse psychology thing.
The same thing goes for hypnosis. If you're trying to make someone fall in love with you through hypnosis, they might not realize that it's working. And sometimes, when people are under hypnosis themselves, they lose track of what's going on around them—they just don't realize their partner isn't really there or whatever it is they're saying isn't really happening. This can lead to some pretty awkward situations that could have been avoided if only your partner had just been told that they were going into reverse psychology mode!
I think the opposite sex has always been a mystery to me. When I was younger, I thought that there were two sexes: male and female. Then I learned about the concept of genderqueer and other terms that describe people who don't identify with one or the other. Now, at least in my mind, there are three sexes: male, female, and other.
I've often felt like something was missing from my life. The idea of being with someone who was attracted to me but wasn't interested in dating me had taken root in my mind over time. It scared me because I didn't know what to do when that happened—how would we even date? What if they wanted to date others? How could we be sure they weren't cheating on us? My mind was racing all day long on these questions and more!
I started using hypnosis as a coping mechanism for dealing with these thoughts. I would listen to recordings of speaking-in-tongues practitioners and try to imagine myself as one of them talking to myself as if they were another person whom they might want to date or marry someday. It helped me feel less alone
It's time to take your mind off the things that you can't control.
Let's face it: you have a lot of things going on in your life right now, and sometimes it's hard to know what to focus on. Is it work? Is it your family? Is it your relationships with other people in your life?
It may seem like the answer is always "work," but that's not always true. Sometimes, something else needs to come first.
That's why today we're talking about a new way of thinking: taking control of your own mind before you try to take control of anything else. It might seem counterintuitive at first, but once you've tried it out, you'll see how useful this tool can be when dealing with stress or anxiety.
The fear of the opposite sex is a common one. It's something that we all experience, but it doesn't have to be so difficult to deal with. In this meditation, we'll explore how you can use the power of hypnosis to overcome your fears and get on with your life.
Fear of the opposite sex is a common occurrence. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most common is that we've been taught that women are supposed to be submissive and men dominant. We've been taught that women are supposed to be afraid of men and men are supposed to be afraid of women.
But what if we could flip this equation? What if instead of being afraid of the opposite sex, we could use them as a tool in our power workshops?
That's why I'm going to teach you how to do Fear Of The Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation. It's designed to help you harness your own power and take control over your own mind.
What if we told you that you could be happier, healthier, and more at peace with yourself?
What if we told you that all it would take is a simple meditation, and that in just a few minutes, you'd be able to rid yourself of the fear of your opposite sex? What if we told you that this fear would never come back again?
Do you want to be free from this anxiety and worry? Do you want to know how you can finally stop thinking about your significant other as an enemy? Do you want to find out how to get over that last bad breakup so easily?
You can do all those things and more with the Fear of the Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation.
Being afraid of the opposite sex is a common phobia, but doesn't have to be something you're constantly battling. There are some simple steps you can take to bring yourself back into balance and get rid of these negative thoughts.
1. Sit down in a comfortable position, either on your couch or in a chair where you can relax.
2. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and relax your body.
3. Focus on your breathing and imagine that each breath is bringing oxygen into your body and filling up every cell with it, so that you are at full capacity for all that life has to offer—allowing nothing but positivity to fill up inside of you.
4. Imagine that every cell has been filled with positivity and love for yourself, so that when someone tries to make you feel bad or scared, instead of being affected by those feelings, instead they just become part of the energy flowing through your body—an energy that makes them disappear from view altogether!
Your fear of the opposite sex can be a real problem, and that's why we're here to help.
It's true that you may not like the idea of men or women, but that doesn't mean it's worth letting it control your life. You've got to take control of this problem before it takes over your entire being.
We know what you're going through because we were in your shoes once, too. We had a problem with men, too—we just didn't know how to deal with it. We thought about suicide and depression, but we didn't give up on ourselves and our dreams because we knew that we could do better than letting fear overtake us! And now… well, now everything is different!
You don't have to live like this anymore! You don't have to hide away from all those people out there who are into other people than you are! You don't have to let fear rule your life! All you need is [company name]'s special hypnosis session on [topic].
Hi there!
Welcome to the Fear of the Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation. I'm going to start by asking you a few questions about your relationship with the opposite sex. After that, I'll ask you to close your eyes and relax. You'll be guided through a process designed to help you release some of the negative feelings and thoughts that keep you from being able to build healthy relationships with men or women.
When we're done, you'll know what it feels like to be at peace with yourself—and in control of your own love life.
Hello, and welcome to the Fear of the Opposite Sex Hypnosis Meditation.
The purpose of this meditation is to help you overcome your fear of the opposite sex. You may have been born with it, or it may have developed over time due to past experiences in your life. Either way, if you want to be able to form healthy relationships with members of the opposite sex, then this meditation will help you do just that.
If you are experiencing any pain while listening to this meditation (physical or mental), stop immediately and seek medical attention from a licensed professional.
Fear of the opposite sex hypnosis meditation
The fear of the opposite sex is a common phobia for both men and women, and it can be very hard to overcome. This hypnosis session will help you stop being afraid of the opposite sex, and start feeling comfortable around them. You'll feel more confident, relaxed, and happy!
You'll be guided through a hypnotic state that will help you let go of your fear of the opposite sex. You'll feel less nervous around them, and more at ease with yourself. As you listen to this session each day, you'll notice that your fear will begin to fade away. You'll start to feel more comfortable in your own skin when interacting with others.
This meditation is best used daily for 30 days.
Hi there!
I'm going to help you overcome your fear of the opposite sex with this hypnosis session.
Think about it: You're not really afraid of the opposite sex—you're just afraid of being rejected, or embarrassed, or hurt. That's a natural fear. But now I'm going to help you learn how to move past that fear and open yourself up to new experiences with people of the opposite sex.
The first step is to visualize yourself in a place where you feel safe and comfortable—maybe your bedroom or a park bench outside your house. You might want some soft music playing in the background. Imagine yourself sitting there on your bench, feeling relaxed and happy and totally at ease with yourself and everything around you, even though there are other people around too (and they may be of the opposite sex).
Now imagine that one person comes over to talk to you—perhaps they ask if they can sit next to you on your bench, or maybe they just want directions somewhere nearby. Either way is fine; just go with whatever feels natural for you as we get started on this journey together!
Now as we move into deeper levels of hypnosis, see if
You are in a state of deep relaxation.
You are totally safe and secure.
You are in a place where you feel warm, peaceful and relaxed.
You can open your eyes whenever you want to but for now, let them remain closed.
Focus on the sound of my voice and feel it wash over you like a warm blanket.
You are surrounded by the warmest most comforting light that feels so soft and gentle against your skin.
This light is so beautiful, so pure. It feels so good to be enveloped in this light that it's hard to believe there could ever be anything wrong with you or anyone else in this world.